Hi, I’m Angelica Temoche (she/her).
I do illustration for game development, interior design+build project management, and my passion is farming in and around Baltimore City. I approach farming with the intention of building sustainable urban food forests and I love documenting that process with cottagecore aesthetics. I work with socially conscious homeowners who have a “crunchy” yet sophisticated lifestyle.
I am seeking client projects in visual design and illustration to support my building capital to establish a tree and flower farm in Baltimore City. My interest is in building soil to capture carbon and grow food producing trees. I am also dedicated to creating equitable jobs in Baltimore by finding other worker-owners and related organizations to partner with.
Right now, I’m writing from my home office in Parkville, MD near the community garden where I got started in farming. I’m so grateful for the welcome I’ve felt since moving back from D.C. and I’m eager I am give back to this community.

Contact me by email at aitemoche.3ai@gmail.com or slip-slide into my dms @spiralred on twitter!